ORANGE SHERBETA favorite children will enjoy. Serve with vanillaice cream for a creamsicle flavor.Makes: Eight I/~-CUP servings2-l/2 cups whole milk3N
WARRANTYTHREE-YEAR LIMITEDWARRANTYThis warranty supersedes all prcxious warranties onthe Cuisinart .\utomatic Frozen Yo_gurt-IceCream & Sorbet .\l
0 10% CuisinartA\lkM” is a reyistcrcd trademark of Mars.IncorporatedIbol-.Aid” Brand is a r+steretltrademark of Kraft Foods, Inc.Cuisinart~ is a rcpis
I~~PORTANTSAFEGUARDS\\%en using an electrical appliance, basic safegprecautions should al\\ ays be follo\t ed to reducethe risk of fire. electric shoc
FEATURES ANDBENEFITSThe Parts:1. Ingredient Spout:Pour recipe ingredients through the spout. Alsouse to add ingredients, like chips or nuts, withoutin
BEFORE USING FOR THEFIRST TIMECnpack the Frozen YoLgurt-Ice Cream 8r SorbetMaker. Remove the foam inserts. Lift up the lid,mixing arm, and freezer bow
CLEANING AND STORAGECleaningClean the freezer bowl, miyin? arm and lid inwarm soap\- water.DO ;VOT PUT FREEZER BO\\-L IS THEDISH\\:\SHER. DO SOT CLE.S
Fruit Ice Cream: Add l/2 cap coal-se!vchopped fixit (seeds and pits remoz-ed)during the last i - 10 minutes offi-eezing.SIMPLE CHOCOLATE-ALMOND ICE CR
GOURMET RECIPESLOW-FAT PEACH FROZEN YOGURT‘This dessert has such a creamy consistency,you’ll never believe it is Iox-fit.Makes: Eight l/?-cup servings
QUICK VANILLA ICE CREAMThis simple recipe is easy to make and childrenenjov helpinn! 112 use egg substitute to reducethe ;isk of u&g uncooked egps
FRESH LEMON SORBETBits of grated lemon zest add a burst of flavor tothis refreshing sorhet.Jlakes: Eight l/~-cup servings7;1-W1cups sugarcup5 watercup
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